Master Of None - Chapter 1227
“What do you mean wyverns??” This was not an unfamiliar term to Scylla. It was one that caused her to lose all the jow from the potential battles she could have against powerful dragons and dragonkin. It was something that made the entire room become colder.
“There have been a few that crossed the ocean and tried to take territory from a darkness dragon. They ignored them at first but it caused them a lot of problems. What was worse was the fact that they are not intelligent and just fight and take territory. That is what really made the dragons unhappy. They were apparently once closely related to dragons but one left to explore another continent and never returned. Instead, wyverns somehow came to be.” Walker did not hide much other than who the dragon really was. He knew that Mordant would be investigating this as well and Walker left that up to him.
“Then we will be going on high alert. I want guards watching the skies at all times. If there are wyverns around then they will be spotted and destroyed immediately.” The energy that Scylla had was enough for everyone to change their demeanors. She was ready for a real battle. No, she was ready for a war.
“Can you fill in the blanks here? I have no information about wyverns other than tales told by minstrels. Why are you so enraged by them?” Markus Revan had a lot of courage to look Scylla in the eye and ask. It was extremely impressive how Walker had been able to see him change and grow in such a short time.
“We lost eighteen fields, seventy farmers, and forty powerful warriors to one. It landed in the fields and took up a few farm animals. The farmers were surprised and would normally chase out monsters no matter what they were. Before a general managed to get there, havoc had become the only way for this wyvern to exist. Those that survived described it as mindless fury that burned up the lands, cut down people, and tried to make the world unlivable. Those people do not go in to the fields any longer.” Scylla had not been the general that made it to the wyvern, but she had seen those that survived. She had never seen fear like that before.
On top of the lasting scars, the land that had been burned by the wyvern had still not properly recovered. It took so many generations just to get it to grow the toughest crops they had. The delicate fruits and vegetables that used to come from those fields were lost along with those that defended them. The demi-human society made a habit of having stationed aerial weapons from that moment on in the fields.
“Then it will be best if the archers and demi-humans collaborate to prepare proper defenses. We have some set up but not enough to protect from a dragon like monster. It would also do us good to recruit more mages in to the guards. We need to diversify.” There was no hesitation as Alma began to jump in to these ideas. She had wanted to expand the guards to a more diverse group earlier but had held back from the optimal time. With so many people coming in to Genesis, it was the perfect time and perfect reason.
“I can’t argue with that. The wyverns are a problem that seems uncommon but one that will get worse as they come this way to look for new territory. I don’t know why they would come here and leave their homes. That is a problem we can’t understand until we look at those coming across the ocean. But they mostly head to the northern cities across the desert.” They all knew the geography that Walker spoke of. The divide between the cities was large but not impossible to traverse.
“Then we head across. I think we can plan an expedition with some of the strongest and brightest. Some of the healers have already left to cross with their personal guards. That is where the grand cathedral is. They are sure to hear information but do not know to gather it. We can just send more people while we recruit.” The king of the deep caves knew this wasn’t an issue that needed rushing. They could take their time to properly prepare.
“Wait, does that mean that Genesis will be looking to create relationships with those across the oceans? That is not something that has happened many times in the history of this continent. Most only travel to explore or change their fates. There has never been a need for relationships and treaties.” Since this was the case, Leon wasn’t sure what was about to be suggested and wanted it all to be clear.please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ
“Genesis is growing. I agree. Yet, ask yourself, what will happen when we unite as a continent? The demon lands are really the only place that we have not brought peace to. The other lands were already at peace and just needed to find a way to see each other as equals. The dragons are in the process and so will the demons soon. What next? Do we pretend the world is only so small?” This was something Walker knew would one day come to be. He knew that everyone would look across the ocean someday. If they started now then they would be able to peacefully find equal standing with other races, other societies, and other potentials.
“Then we will show them our might!” Scyll recovered from her seriousness and embraced the trip. She had not considered traveling in such a way.
“While my people are not known to travel across the deep oceans. It has been done. Let me have copies of maps brought over for the next meeting.” Leon stood and left at that. The meeting had ended.
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