My Second Life in Another World - Chapter 293
Chapter 293: Plans
‘Just you wait,’ In-ho couldn’t say anything back and walked away pissed off.
[The Constellation ‘Secretive Plotter’ wants to know your friend’s location.]
[Several Constellations are having fun watching the event unfold and are expecting a lot more fun.]
[The Constellation ‘Abyssal Black Flame Dragon’ is saying he will use your line when he faces an opponent, You should be grateful.]
[700 Coins have been sponsored.]
“Whoa! That was really something, I didn’t know you could talk that way,” Hee-won hit Haru’s back as she expressed her surprise. She knew Haru could be serious when he needed to be but she didn’t expect him to talk like this.
“I told you, didn’t I? I am just that awesome,” Haru spoke with a smug look causing Hee-won to facepalm but she didn’t deny his claim.
‘Not only does In-ho’s group have no monopoly over food now, but they’ve also lost the people’s trust to a great extent, Their influence on the people has diminished greatly compared to yesterday and it is the result of their own failures,’ Hee-won saw how frustrated In-ho looked before, which means that they had the upper hand right now even though they didn’t want to have an upper hand.
“But, You do have a plan right? I am sure that guy will try something later,” Hee-won asked since, unlike their group, In-ho’s group wanted to control the people on the station.
But after In-ho’s group incurred causalities the people’s distrust in them grew further while everyone started to move towards Haru, because their group didn’t even have one injured member let alone a causality. So In-ho would surely try to get back on the top and for that, he’d need to do something about their group.
“Sure I do,” Haru said with a chuckle.
“Come on share it with me, I am curious,” Hee-won kept pestering Haru but she couldn’t get it out of him and finally gave up saying that she’ll figure it out herself.
‘There is no such thing as a plan for In-ho, as he said before an elephant doesn’t need the plan to kill an ant they do it without even knowing it, in a way In-ho is just one of the many who will be just collateral damage, because they happened to overthink their abilities, I can’t understand why they don’t grovel at his feet the moment they see Haru, this way them might have a better chance of living,’ Queresha thought while resting her head on Haru’s shoulder ready to sleep for the day, since Hyun-sung, Sang-ah, and Nam-woon were awake to take over for them.
Queresha looked at Gil-young who was asleep with his head on Haru’s lap before she closed her eyes.
The 4th day of the Scenario….
[You Have Entered The Area Of The Second Main Scenario.]
‘The real game starts now,’ Dok-ja thought while holding his breath as the poisonous fog attacked him.
He looked in a bad condition with his clothes looking like rags most of his shirt and lower pants were missing with holes all over he didn’t even have shoes on his feet.
‘That damn emo, he dropped me straight into the mouth of the ichthyosaur, I’d be dead if I didn’t know about the hidden scenario,’ Dok-ja cursed as he changed his clothes at a shop he found along the road.
‘Though I gained much more by his actions, I was able to sign a stream contract with the Dokkaebi and can use the Dokkaebi shop to buy and sell items from all over the star stream,’ Dok-ja quickly left the clothing store and went towards his destination, Geum-ho underground subway station.
The stream contract was something that was normally signed between a Dokkaebi and a constellation as the Incarnations have no say in it. Most of the constellations view their incarnations as slaves anyway.
By signing a contract constellations also get a cut from the donations made to their incarnation by other constellations.
Dok-ja was sure about the others being at the geum-ho station but he was a bit worried as well.
‘I hope Haru-ssi is alright, given how he is he might’ve butted heads with Jung-hyeok, That guy is seriously dangerous at the start of the 3rd regression, he is totally not right in the head and will kill anyone over the slightest disagreement, But there is no use thinking about it, if something happened then it happened,’ Dok-ja thought without realizing how different he had become from before, No he had realized it and knows the reason for it as well but he thinks it is better this way.
‘I should go quickly or the item’s duration will run out,’ Dok-ja had a green-colored item about the size of a tennis ball in his mouth, it was the item he was using to not get affected by the poisonous fog. He bought it from the dokkaebi’s shop.
Dok-ja saw a convenience store up ahead and quickly went inside silently without making noise.
But he was surprised by what he heard.
“Hey hold her still,” A man’s voice was heard along with the sound of some things getting knocked over.
“Huhu, She is a feisty one, still trying to escape even after we killed her boyfriend,” Another voice belonging to a different person came.
“Doesn’t that make it better, put more force and hold her legs properly, Too bad it could’ve been better,” As the third voice rang out Dok-ja heard the sound of cloth tearing with muffled cries.
It didn’t take a genius to figure out what was happening in there.
[Some Constellations are amused at the current situation.]
[300 coins have been sponsored.]
[The Constellation ‘Demonic Judge of Fire’ is frowning in displeasure and is asking you to take action.]
[200 coins have been sponsored.]
[The Constellation ‘Secretive Plotter’ is waiting to see your decision.]
[200 coins have been sponsored.]
‘Well, I don’t need you to tell me what to do,’ Dok-ja thought as he picked up a can of food from the ground and chucked it to the opposite side as he was just a single aisle away from the people.
“What who is it?” One of the men panicked as they looked back to where the sound came from but they didn’t see anything.
Dok-ja came in from the other side with another can in his hand, He saw three men one holding the woman’s arms, one holding her legs, and one kneeling between her legs with his pants down. Seeing that his distraction worked Dok-ja didn’t waste any more time and threw the can in his hand toward the man who was holding the woman’s legs as he was the furthest from him.
“Ugh,” The man was rattled by the hit and fell back with his head started bleeding. Hearing his groan the other two looked back at their friend and then turned to look at Dok-ja who was already near them.
Before the guy who was holding the woman’s arms could react Dok-ja drove his knee into his face breaking the man’s nose and knocking out his teeth.
“Who are yo-WHAM*” before the last man could speak Dok-ja already punched him knocking him out cold on the floor.
All three of them were on the floor and passed out in no time, Dok-ja invested coins to increase his stats which is why he was stronger than the others.
[Some constellations are content seeing justice being served.]
[300 coins have been sponsored.]
[Many Constellations want to see more blood.]
[Some constellations are unhappy with you for interrupting their fun.]
‘Fun, huh? These sick bastards,’ Dok-ja thought as he looked at the fourth body on the floor that was there from before, and seeing the woman reaching out towards it he assumed it was her boyfriend that the men were claiming to have killed.
‘Can’t really blame the Constellations since humans themselves have no regard for their own kind,’ Dok-ja understood that these men were planning on raping a woman right next to her dead lover for extra coins.
He didn’t understand how humans were able to inflict such cruelty onto their own kind without feeling any guilt or remorse for their actions. On the contrary, they seemed to enjoy it more than the constellations did.
Blaming the changed world would be a lie, since no matter the time, peaceful or not such animals in human skin have always been present.
‘Alright, let’s not waste more time,’ Dok-ja thought as he picked up the bags that seemed to be gathered by these men along with the now passed-out woman. It was expected after what she had been through. He saw that only her shirt’s sleeve was torn so there was no need to worry about that.
It didn’t take long before Dok-ja reached the station he really just ran at his full speed and he wasn’t even out of breath thanks to his stats, Reaching exit no. 4 which was the nearest one to him Dok-ja tried to open the shutters but they were closed.
Seeing that Dok-ja went to the nearest exit from there which was the 2nd exit, And….