Reincarnated as a Son of the Sword Saint and the Sage - Chapter 122
“Here it is.”
After a few minutes of waiting, the dragon is already as far as five kilometers away from our location. Flying at the speed of sound at an altitude of five kilometers.
With that height, the air pressure created by its wings barely reaches the trees below. The dragon must have done that to avoid being detected.
When the dragon reached two kilometers away, it slowed its speed until it stopped flying and kept hovering in the sky. It glanced below and stared at the fox lady.
The dragon tremendously flapped all its six wings at once and propelled itself at very high velocity down to the surface in a matter of seconds.
“What an incredible entrance…!”
Its overwhelming landing had caused us to cover our eyes from the debris as the dragon landed hundreds of meters away from us.
Thunderous noises loudly rang throughout the forest, as if a meteor had been dropped. A powerful shockwave snapped and took down those unnaturally large and thick trees like a matchstick.
Dust and debris covered the blast site, obstructing our vision along with it. Though we were not able to see it, we can still perceive the dragon with our skills.
From what we can perceive, we can sense that the dragon has been standing with its two legs, making a gesture with its wings. A beat later, tempestuous winds suddenly stormed with a single swing of its wings.
Stubbornly firm trees were blown away along with their roots. A storm of dust, dirt, stones, trees, and some collateral damages (poor monsters who are in the way) is violently wrecking havoc on the vicinity.
The humanized fox and I could not endure the turbulent wind pressure that drove us to take countermeasures.
The vixen undid her Anthropomorphization skill, reverted herself to her true form, size, and strength, and wrapped herself in a translucent barrier. Meanwhile, I deployed an Anti-Physical Barrier to fend off the storm and its flying debris.
After a minute of the dragon’s chaotic bugging off of dust, the violent storm finally calmed down. As the dust settles, the disastrous aftermath of the destructive storm is gradually unfolding before our eyes.
The area between the dragon and us has been reduced to ruin and extends several meters behind us. All the thick trees and large boulders were blown away by a single flap of its wings.
The displacement between us had caused nothing but damage to the earth. Not only was the destruction long, but the dragon had also paved about a hundred meters of uneven pathway.
As the dust settles, the appearance of the dragon comes into view. Seeing it personally, this dragon is rather more fascinating than on the screen.
The first thing that I noticed was its size. This dragon is the biggest of all the dragons that I have seen, with my own eyes or clairvoyantly.
Upon the completion of the investigation, I collected data on the Dark Ancient Dragon, which measured around a hundred meters in length from snout to tail.
This dragon is the largest dragon I have recorded on this continent, larger than the Light and Earth Ancient Dragons, who are measuring between fifty and sixty meters from snout to tail.
Aside from its gigantic size, one of its distinct features was its color. As expected of the Ancient Dragon, who rules over the dark-type dragons, its body is largely painted in black.please visit panda(-)
This dragon is literally a BBC, a big black cryptid.
Lustrous, tough-looking, jet-black scales covered its entire massive body, reflecting the rays of the descending sun and illuminating it.
Three pairs of black majestic and tough leather wings are sprouting from its back. A single flap of it sends tumultuous winds; a storm would be summoned if swung all together.
With the dragon having spread them widely, its wingspan was confirmed to be wider than its length. Standing bipedally with its hind limbs, the dragon looked like a seraphim of death from afar.
“Are you okay, madam?!”
((I’m fine, Mr. Raphael. Not even a scratch. How about you?))
((No problem here. A single breeze won’t hurt me.))
I checked her condition and found out she is okay. Since she’s in her true form, we have to communicate via Telepathy. I cannot use Telepathy so I had her start the room.
With a voice so monstrous and loud that it reached long distances, the dragon spoke at us. It is actually my first time seeing a dragon talk, so it kind of surprised me.
((Just as I thought, you are its target.))
((Very well. I never thought that I was significant enough to be noticed by the sovereign of this forest. I deeply apologize for causing you problems.))
((It doesn’t matter now. We can talk that out later. We have to settle this matter first.))
((As you desired, Mr. Raphael.))
While we seemed to be ignoring it, the dragon obtusely opened its mouth. Energy started to collect within its mouth and form an orb of light. Once the orb stopped growing bigger, the Dark Ancient Dragon unleashed the stored energy.
“Watch out!”
pAnDa (nov)e1
It was the Dragon Blast, a racial skill exclusive only to Arch and Ancient Dragons. A skill that creates a linear ray of destruction that could vaporize almost everything up to kilometers away.
It is not even magic; therefore, it couldn’t be blocked by Anti-Magic Barrier, never mind Anti-Physical. My only hope is my ultimate defenses, but I cannot waste them just to block this level of the dragon’s attack.
Even though it creates destructive damage, the Dragon Blast is not the dragon’s most powerful card. Putting it into simple terms, it was just a fraction of its power.